Required steps to integrate FlexUnit into a Flex project
Just some reminder notes to set up Flex unit testing. These are valid for FlexUnit 0.9

1. copy the FlexUnit.swc to the projects libs folder

2. Create unit tests
Each Unit test is a simple Actionscript class that extends TestCase

public class MyTest extends TestCase

It contains a number of functions where the function name must start with a test
e.g. testFunc

Each function contains a number of assertions methods.
There are several assertion methods available for our unit tests such as:
assertTrue, assertFalse, assertNull, assertEquals, and several others.

3. Create a new MXML Application

add this mxml tag to the application

<flexunit:TestRunnerBase id=”testRunner” width=”100%” height=”100%” />

add these lines to a creationComplete handler function:

testRunner.test = createSuite();

add these lines to the createSuite function

var testSuite:TestSuite = new TestSuite();
testSuite.addTestSuite( MyTest );
return testSuite;

all done run the test application and watch it fail