The best flash and flex libraries
November 3, 2009
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A list of the best libraries for Flex and Flash that can save heaps of development time and add extra functionality to your projects.
- casalib Lots of useful utility classes.
- as3corelib A collection of utility classes by Adobe for handling encoding and serialization among other things.
- Mate Framework – my favorite MVC framework for Flex – it’s based on property injection
- PureMVC – another great MVC framework, works with flash as well and has ports to many other languages
- Cairngorm – popular MVC framework for Flex that’s officially supported by Adobe
- FlexUnit – unit testing framework for flex – essential for test infected developers and professional projects
- AS3Crypto – add cryptography to your Flash/Flex Applications
- AlivePDF – lets you create PDF files from within flash and flex
- Degrafa – Flex Graphics Framework to easily create graphic with mxml tags – awesome
- TweenLite The easiest to use Tween library out there.
- Papervision probably the most used 3D library
- Away3D Another 3D library that some people prefer to Papervision as it is easier to use.
- Modest Maps – great mapping library for using different map providers – also supports openstreemaps
- SWFObject very useful to embed flash movies into html pages
- SWFAddress Takes swfobject one step further and supports deep-linking.
- Hi-ReS! Stats a class that shows you when your SWF framerate chokes.
- BIT-101 MinimalComps A set of ActionScript-only UI components for use in non-Flex projects.
- Underware – not a library but a nice tool that lets you package and download sets of popular libraries
- Deface – Face detection for AS3
- FLARManager – tool for augmented reality
- Discollision – advanced collision detection library fro AS3
- Flash Camouflage - easily skin Flash Applications with png, jpg, or gif images
- MojoColors – easy color library for AS3
- Flint Particle System - the name says it all – create particles in AS3
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