After fixing the problem with php 5.3 and the openid library I ran into the next problem.
Trying to to use the provided example that comes with the openid php library,
with google openid url -
And getting:
Fatal error: current_url must be a string; see NEWS file for upgrading notes. in /var/www/clients/php-openid-1.2.3/Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php
Wow – must be my lucky day today. Getting really really tired of the openid stuff. Especially cause I can’t find any decent documentation.
I figured out that I needed to add the url of the finish_auth.php to the complete function call in the finish_auth.php script itself.
//get full url of current script
$thispage = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER[PHP_SELF];
//pass url into complete handler
$response = $consumer->complete($thispage); //modified function call in finish_auth.php
And I had to get rid of the $_GET parameter that was passed into the complete function in the example.
This seems to solve the problem. Getting a nice response:
You have successfully verified…as your identity.
Except for a few warnings and notices of course
I used this url as my google identity url:
taken from this tutorial:
but had to replace
download modified finish_auth.php